Many volunteers have a difficult time opening their homes to village children. Often this choice is based solely on logistics, as the homes of some volunteers are sometimes so small they could not have guests even if they wanted. More often than not, however, it is the desire of a volunteer to maintain order and privacy that prevents them from allowing children inside their homes.
My hospitality has fluctuated dramatically over the past two years. Initially, I allowed anyone and everyone into my home. Once it became more tiresome to have guests than it was pleasant to have the company, I started to deter people from visiting. My home became my sanctuary, and I cherished my alone time.
After a while I realized the all-or-nothing attitude on houseguests I had developed was not ideal, as my solitude was not as reassuring as I had initially thought it to be. Annoyed by the constant knocks on my door at all hours, I decided to satiate the desire of the neighborhood kids to visit, and my wish to have some (but not too much) company by agreeing that every Thursday I would host art, reading and baking lessons.
These Thursday evening get-togethers have proven to be an amazing way for the children to practice their English in an informal and non-threatening learning environment. The time together has also developed into an informal health education class, where I teach proper hand washing and dishwashing techniques, both hygiene practices that are unfortunately absent from most Tongan kitchens.
Although at times catering to the children’s continuous questions and requests can be exhausting, I have grown to appreciate their inquisitiveness and energy. I am continuously touched by the delight Tongan children find in the smallest exchanges and what most would consider insignificant experiences. I will miss these joyous Thursday evenings most when I leave Tonga in December.
Those are such great photos to go along with your story. Your travels sound so amazing and I'm jealous! Where are you off to in December?
Hope all is well! AndyLee
Hey Sarah,
Just wanted to say your blog and photos are amazing and very beautiful as it captures the place and people. I actually miss it now!lol I live in Aussie and I was just blown away by how nice your blog is. Take care and have fun. Ofa atu,
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